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  • Special Offer【Spend RM1500, rebate RM100】 【Spend RM3000, rebate RM250】storewide! Thank you!
  • Han Secrets | TCM Malaysia | Health Care and Beauty |
  • Han Secrets | TCM Malaysia | Health Care and Beauty |
  • Han Secrets | TCM Malaysia | Health Care and Beauty |
  • Han Secrets | TCM Malaysia | Health Care and Beauty |
  • Han Secrets | TCM Malaysia | Health Care and Beauty - Chan Chee Khuan

    Chan Chee Khuan

    I have tried many other products and never got the results until I found this brand!! Oh Wow...Wow!! Their products are the best of the best, superb excellent and astounding!! 👍👍👍 It has improved greatly overall my skin quality. I have noticed the difference in my skin as far as firmness, beautiful, looking younger and reduction in lines and wrinkles...etc. In addition to that, my skin feels softer and dewy. I absolutely love the brand of all their products. 😘😘😘 Their products are very high in quality, effective, truly amazing and excellent results!! Highly recommended...!!

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  • Han Secrets | TCM Malaysia | Health Care and Beauty - Chang Minghui

    Chang Minghui

    I heard this brand from my friends, after tried their products I think is a lot better than my previous ones as I am sensitive skin. Soap and pearl serum are highly recommended. One more thing, the doctor founder looks so young and his skin is amazing. For mine is not too far from his now. Cheers!

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  • Han Secrets | TCM Malaysia | Health Care and Beauty - Teo Kin Huat

    Teo Kin Huat


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  • Han Secrets | TCM Malaysia | Health Care and Beauty - Chen Meilan

    Chen Meilan


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  • Han Secrets | TCM Malaysia | Health Care and Beauty - Ang Sek Kiow

    Ang Sek Kiow

    我和孩子是敏感肌肤的,所以用任何产品我都要很小心选择使用。自从用了白玉美颜皂后。我和孩子的皮肤不会那么敏感了。而且我自己本身脚有龟裂已经好多年了,自从陆医师介绍我用sensicure oil 后,我的脚也没龟裂了连我自己都没发现,所以说好的产品是会说话的。而且我也感激陆医师的用心良苦为了研发更好的产品给大家。

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  • Han Secrets | TCM Malaysia | Health Care and Beauty - Shirley Tham

    Shirley Tham

    我一直再寻找一种天然的护肤品,终于在4年多前遇到了,认识了陸医師,当时看到他就觉得他的皮肤好好哟!之后试用了他的美皂、桃花膏和精华油。我主要是 T Zone 问题,顽固的几个肝斑点要消也消不到,油脂,肤色不很均匀。谁知一用就用了4年多,以上重重问题已没有了,肝斑点已是非常 的淡了,肤色比起以前更细腻和滑,T Zone 问题没有了,好多人都说我的皮肤很好,出门也无须上妝,素颜 。我想说的是如各位想嘗试的话,最好要用全套,效果更加,不然很难体验到它的真效。最近推出的 24 k mask 也非常棒好用,第二天起来肤色很棒。好喜欢医師産品的天然味道不刺激,重要是无化学,用得安心美丽。在此,谢谢陸医師用心和医得去硏发这么棒的產品惠及大众。

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