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【Proganic & Proliganic & Feng Xiang Dan】32 Bottles @ RM8888

RM 8,888.00

Proganic 保肝寧

適合肝炎,肝病,肝硬化,保肝解酒,緩解肝火熱氣症狀, 美颜袪斑,全效合一 

【保肝寧】通常用於肝臟解毒保健,也可以緩解肝炎和肝硬化,而【利脂寧】用於改善脂肪肝, 高膽固醇和三酸甘油酯。保肝寧系列實際上是馬來西亞最好的肝病中草藥和輔助治療方法之一。如果您想以中草藥治療肝臟,除了西藥, 這是一個好的選擇。


在吉隆坡很難找到好的中草藥, 因此您可以直接通過我們的官方網站輕鬆地購買保肝寧系列。如果您想購買最好的肝臟疾病輔助藥品,那麼保肝寧系列已被證明可以幫助許多患者,同時獲得馬來西亞消費者推薦的2019年度保健品和保養品大獎。是您最佳的選擇。


吃法 (疗效):每次4粒,每日兩次,於飯後服用 

吃法 (保健):每次2粒,每日兩次,於飯後服用 


Liver Diseases, Hepatitis, Cirrhosis, Liver Protection, Liver Detoxification, Heatiness, Immune System Improvement, Skin Pigmentation Improvement, All-In-One

【Proganic】 is a traditional liver supplement which is commonly used for liver protection. It is suitable for hepatitis and cirrhosis patients.【Proliganic】 is suitable for fatty liver, high cholesterol and triglycerides patients. 

Proganic series is one of the best liver traditional Chinese medicines and adjuvant treatments in Malaysia. This is a good alternative if you want to improve your liver health with traditional Chinese medicine besides Western medicine. The Proganic series, founded by Dr Lok, the best Chinese physician liver specialist in Malaysia, to provide a better alternative for a healthy liver.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to find the right liver herbal supplement that works well for liver, in addition to maintaining good health. These herbs for liver contain an improved ancient recipe that can also help improve overall health in a natural, safe and effective way. The Proganic series may also helps improve the immune system, skin pigmentation and remove toxins from the liver and the body.

It is difficult to find good traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in Malaysia, so you can easily buy Proganic series directly through our official website. Proganic series have won the Malaysian Consumer’s Recommend Award in Excellent Supplements 2019. 

Ingredients: Herba Artemisia Scoparia Extract, Ganoderma Japonicum Extract, Radix Gentiana Scabra Extract, Radix Scutellaria Baicalensis Extract, Cortex Phellodendron Chinese Extract

Dosage: 4 capsules twice daily, after meal (Adjuvant Treatment)

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily, after meal  (Protection)

120 vegetable capsules / bottle

Proliganic 利脂寧

適合脂肪肝, 高膽固醇, 高三酸甘油酯  & 過胖患者

【保肝寧】通常用於肝臟解毒保健,也可以緩解肝炎和肝硬化,而【利脂寧】用於改善脂肪肝, 高膽固醇和三酸甘油酯。保肝寧系列實際上是馬來西亞最好的肝病中草藥和輔助治療方法之一。如果您想以中草藥治療肝臟,除了西藥, 這是一個好的選擇。


在吉隆坡很難找到好的中草藥, 因此您可以直接通過我們的官方網站輕鬆地購買保肝寧系列。如果您想購買最好的肝臟疾病輔助藥品,那麼保肝寧系列已被證明可以幫助許多患者,同時獲得馬來西亞消費者推薦的2019年度保健品和保養品大獎。是您最佳的選擇。




Fatty Liver, High Cholesterol, High Triglyceride & Obesity

【Proganic】 is a traditional liver supplement which is commonly used for liver protection. It is suitable for hepatitis and cirrhosis patients.【Proliganic】 is suitable for fatty liver, high cholesterol and triglycerides patients. 

Proganic series is one of the best liver traditional Chinese medicines and adjuvant treatments in Malaysia. This is a good alternative if you want to improve your liver health with traditional Chinese medicine besides Western medicine. The Proganic series, founded by Mr Lok, the best Chinese physician liver specialist in Malaysia, to provide a better alternative for a healthy liver.

Sometimes, it can be difficult to find the right liver herbal supplement that works well for liver, in addition to maintaining good health. These herbs for liver contain an improved ancient recipe that can also help improve overall health in a natural, safe and effective way. The Proganic series may also helps improve the immune system, skin pigmentation and remove toxins from the liver and the body.

It is difficult to find good traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in Malaysia, so you can easily buy Proganic series directly through our official website. Proganic series have won the Malaysian Consumer’s Recommend Award in Excellent Supplements 2019. 

Ingredients: Poria Cocos, Ganoderma Japonicum, Radix Paeonia Lactiflora, Rhizoma Atractylodes Macrocephala, Cordyceps Sinensis

Dosage: 4 capsules twice daily, after meal

120 vegetable capsules / bottle

Feng Xiang Dan 鳳翔丹

鳳翔丹主治一切腎虛和氣滯血淤引起的婦人病,主要用於月經不調,閉經痛經,婦人癥瘕,心煩難眠,脾氣暴躁,掉髮枯黃,难孕和更年期等问题。由於八珍湯和白鳳丸因為天氣炎熱的關係不適合一些身體燥熱的婦女,鳳翔丹溫和中正,可以做為很好的替代藥品。孕婦忌服 。

上等材料成分: 天山雪蓮, 益母草, 桃仁, 澤蘭, 丹參

吃法 (疗效):每次3粒,每日兩次,於飯後服用 (經期停止服用)

吃法 (保健):每次2粒,每日兩次,於飯後服用 (經期停止服用)


**建议与《Proganic 保肝寧》&《金牌補腎粉》一起服用,效果更好

Traditionally used for women's health - irregular menstruation, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, mood swing, anxious, spleen, difficult to fall asleep, hair loss, infertility, menopause and etc.  As Ba Zhen Soup and Bai Feng Pill are not suitable for women with heaty body, Feng Xiang Dan can be a good alternative.

Ingredients: Flos Saussurea involucrata, Caulis and Folium Leonurus Japonicus,
Semen Prunus Persica, Caulis and Folium Eupatorium Fortunei, Radix Salvia Miltiorrhiza

Dosage: 3 capsules twice daily, after meal (Adjuvant Treatment)

Dosage: 2 capsules twice daily, after meal  (Protection)

120 vegetable capsules / bottle

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This product is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure cancer.

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