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24K Pure Gold Anti Aging Set 《黃金抗老配套》

RM 1,049.75

24K Pure Gold Anti Aging Set 《黃金抗老配套》:

Latest Itemised Price List

124K Pure Gold Magic Cleanser 120ml黃金洗臉液RM229
2Aqua Flora Toner 50ml x 2保濕凝露RM258
3Beauty Blossom Cream 50ml 桃花珍珠膏RM199
4Beauty Essence Oil 15ml OR
Beauty Blossom Eye Cream 15g
(choose 1 only)
美顏精華油 或者
桃花眼霜 (选一个)
524k Pure Gold Anti-aging Cream 30g黃金抗老修复膏RM289

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