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Han Secrets Tea《金風玉露茶》

RM 120.00

精選茶葉 工法精妙 清毒降脂 輕體消油
保護腸道 益處無窮 祛風解膩 排除宿便



成分: 上等烏龍茶, 决明子,山楂,荷叶,洋车前子





Han Secrets Tea is formulated from the precious collection of ancient recipes. Tailored for removing excessive oil and stools from our body. Significantly helps with toxins cleansing.

Recommended for:

  • Detoxification
  • Constipation
  • High Blood Sugar
  • Digestion Problem

Ingredient: Premium Oolong Tea, Cassia Seed, Hawthorn Berry, Lotus Leaf, Plantago Seed


Hot brewing method: 1 tea bag, 1 liter of hot water, steep for 5 minutes, 1-2 cups per person

Cold brewing method: 1 tea bag and 1 liter of water, put it in the refrigerator, drink it the next day, 1-2 cups per person

10 teabags / pack

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This product is not intended to diagnose, treat and cure cancer.

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